Volley-Fest Volleyball Tournament
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12 Club
12 Open
14 Club
14 Open
HS Club
HS Open
view a photo of the trophies
Age Group: 12 Club's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
Club Pacific Allisha 50 55 55 55 55 100 370
Coast 10Bela     50       50
Coast 9Sinead       40     40
ECVBA 12Red 1 45 40 45 40 40 75 285
LJK 12Silver 60 45 55 55 55 95 365
SD Beach 12Felicity 40 50 40 45 45 65 285
SoCal 11Trestles 80 50 45 50 45 85 355
SoCal 12Swamis 70 55 50 45 50 90 360
Torreys Royals 45 40   50 50 70 255
Viper 10Mary 55 45 40   40 80 260
Age Group: 12 Open's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
951 Elite 12-1 50 60 55 55 65 205 490
951 Elite 12-2 40 50 45 40 45 140 360
951 Elite 12Hannah     40 40 40 100 220
Club Esco 12's 50 55 45 45 45 155 395
Coast 11Caroline 45 55 55 55 40 145 395
Coast 12Amy 45 45 45 50 45 165 395
ECVBA 12Black 1 50 60 55 50 50 180 445
ECVBA 12Black 2 40 45 45 40 40 135 345
FCAV 12-1 45 50 40 35 45 130 345
LJK 12Black 50 55 55 50 55 195 460
LJK 12Gold 60 65 70 70 65 235 565
LJK 12Maroon 55 70 70 65 70 245 575
LJK 12White 45 50 40 40 35 120 330
Moonlight 12-1 45 40         85
Neptune Jellyfish 45 50 35 45 45 125 345
Neptune Lionfish 55 70 70 70 65 240 570
Neptune Pufferfish 50 55 40 45 40 160 390
Neptune Stonefish 55 55 50 55 55 190 460
SD Beach 12Syd 50 55 50 50 50 185 440
SDVBC 12Black 55 70 65 70 70 250 580
SDVBC 12Blue 40 40 45 45 40 105 315
SDVBC 12Pink 40 40 30 35 35 80 260
SDVBC 12Purple 40 40 35   40 90 245
SDVBC 12Red 50 60 55 55 55 200 475
SDVBC 12White 40 50 40 30 40 115 315
SoCal 11Windansea 45 55 50 55 50 170 425
SoCal 12Tamarack 45 55 45 45 55 150 395
SoCal 12Terramar 45 45 40 40 35 110 315
SoCal 12Trestles 55 65 65 60 60 215 520
SoCal 12Windansea 55 60 65 65 70 230 545
Storm 12Vero 55 65 60 65 60 225 530
Storm Hilda 50 70 60 60 60 210 510
Summit 12Hannah 40 40 30 40 35 85 270
Viper 12Amanda 40 45 35 30   95 245
Viper 12Carlos 55 65 60 60   220 460
Viper 12McKenna 50 55 55 45   175 380
Wave 10Christin 40 45     40   125
Wave Lizzie 40 40     45   125
Age Group: 14 Club's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
951 Elite 14-2L 45 45 45 55 50 145 385
951 Elite 14-3L 40 40 40 35 40 70 265
Club Pacific Madi 40 40 40 40 45 90 295
Club Pacific Melana 40 50 30 45 45 75 285
Coast Blue 55 55 45   50 155 360
Coast Green 45 55 50   50 120 320
Coast Purple 45 45 30   40 55 215
Coast Yellow 55 65 55   55 195 425
ECVBA 14Red 1 90 60 60 70 70 250 600
ECVBA 14Red 2 50 60 40 45 50 135 380
ECVBA 14Red 3 40 40 35 35 40 50 240
ECVBA 14Red4       45 55   100
Exodus Dynasty 40 45 45 40 50 110 330
FCAV 14-2 80 70 70 60 70 235 585
La Jolla 14Jon 45 50 45 45 55 150 390
LJK 14Black 50 65 55 50 55 160 435
LJK 14Silver 40 55 50   45 140 330
LJK 14White 50 70 55 45 60 175 455
Neptune Angel Sharks 40 50 40 35 40 85 290
Neptune Hammerhead Sharks 50 55 55 65 65 210 500
Nestor Starlets 55 65 65 60 65 225 535
PBVBC Loren 55 60 70 65 60 205 515
PBVBC Nathaniel 45 60 50 65 65 230 515
Ramona 14s 80 70 65 70 65 240 590
SD Beach 14Gracie 55 60 55 55 60 185 470
SD Beach 14Pink 55 70 60 55 55 220 515
SDVBC 14Magenta 45   35 40 45 80 245
SDVBC 14Pink 45 55 40 55 55 170 420
SDVBC 14Purple 50 40 45 40 50 100 325
SDVBC 14Teal 40 40 30 35 40 60 245
SDVBC 14White 45 45 55 45 45 125 360
SoCal 13Terramar 55 65 60 60 55 200 495
SoCal 14Ponto 40 55 50 50 55 165 415
SoCal 14Scripps 45 50 45 50 55 130 375
SoCal 14Seascape 50 55 45 55 60 180 445
SoCal 14Sunset 70 70 70 70 70 245 595
Storm Michelle 50 65 65 55 70 215 520
Summit 14Kylie 45 55 40 40 45 105 330
Torreys Blue Thunder 50 55 55   55 190 405
Viper 14Abby 40 50 40 40   95 265
Viper 14Jaleesa 50 55 40 40   115 300
Viper 14Kiley 40 45 35 45   65 230
Age Group: 14 Open's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
951 Elite 14-1L 40 50 45 40 50 115 340
Club Esco Xye 40 40 30 30 40 60 240
Club Pacific Brian 85 65 65 65 70 235 585
Club Pacific Dana 50 45 35 30 45 90 295
Coast 14Orange 40 55 40   45 130 310
Coast 14Red 45 45 40   40 105 275
ECVBA 14Black 1 55 65 60 65 65 225 535
ECVBA 14Black 2 45 55 45 40 45 145 375
ECVBA 14Black 3 50 55 55 65 55 180 460
Elevate 14Norco-1 40 50 50 55 55 170 420
Exodus 14Blackout 50 55 40 45 45 135 370
Exodus 14Midas 50 70 65       185
La Jolla 14Nicole 55 70 65 60 65 230 545
LJK 14Gold 50 60 50 45 50 175 430
LJK 14Maroon 75 70 70 70 65 250 600
Neptune Great White Sharks 70 70 70 70 70 245 595
Neptune Sleeper Sharks 45 40 45 40 40 95 305
Neptune Tiger Sharks 50 55 40 45 50 140 380
Nestor Stars 50 70 70 55 55 215 515
PBVBC Dominique 45 55 55 60 55 210 480
PBVBC Santos 55 65 60 60 55 220 515
SD Beach 14Kendahl 40 40 40 45 40 65 270
SD Beach 14Sergio 45 45 35 35 40 85 285
SDVBC 14Black 45 50 50 50 50 155 400
SDVBC 14Blue 40 55 40 45 45 125 350
SDVBC 14Connor 40 50 55 40 55 150 390
SDVBC 14Dave 85 65 60 70 70 240 590
SDVBC 14Rebecca 55 60 55 55 60 205 490
SDVBC 14Red 40 40 45 40 40 80 285
SoCal 13Trestles 45 65 55 55 60 195 475
SoCal 13Windansea 50 60 45 50 55 190 450
SoCal 14Swamis 50 55 45 40 50 160 400
SoCal 14Tamarack 40 45 45 45 45 120 340
SoCal 14Trestles 40 55 50 50 55 165 415
SoCal 14Windansea 55 60 55 45 50 185 450
Storm Albert 55 60 55 55 60 200 485
Storm Vero 40 45 40 35 55 100 315
Summit 14Janel 45 40 30 35 40 55 245
Viper 14Audrey 45 55 40 40   110 290
Viper 14Chris 40 40 30 30   75 215
Viper 14Lyndsie 45 50 35 35   70 235
Age Group: HS Club's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
951 Elite HS1-Pink 80 70 65 55 65 235 570
951 Elite HS2-Blue 50 65 55 55 60 185 470
951 Elite HS2-Orange 40 40 40 30 40 125 315
Club Pacific Grace 55 60 50 55 60 215 495
Club Pacific Lucien 50 65 60 50 65 205 495
Club Pacific Noor 45 40 40 35 40 105 305
Coast Pink 45 50 50 45 55   245
Desert Flame Gold           195 195
ECVBA HS Red 1 45 50 55 40 55 170 415
ECVBA HS Red 2 45 50 45 45 50 145 380
ECVBA HS Red 3 40 40 40 30 40 100 290
Exodus 15Aura 50 55 55 55 55 190 460
LJK HS Gold 50 55 55 70 70 230 530
LJK HS Maroon 60 70 70 65 70 250 585
Neptune Barracuda 55 65 60 50 65 225 520
PBVBC HS Gabe 55 70 70 70 70 245 580
PBVBC HS Greig 50 55 50 45 55 155 410
PBVBC HS Marisa 50 65 65 60 60 220 520
PBVBC HS Robert 60 70 70 65 70 240 575
SD Beach HS Orange 40 45 45 35 45 115 325
SD Beach HS White 45 55 55 40 55 165 415
SDVBC HS Magenta 40 40 40 30 40 95 285
SDVBC HS Pink 40 55 50 45 50 150 390
SDVBC HS Purple 55 60 55 45 55 175 445
SDVBC HS Teal 40 45 40 40 50 120 335
SoCal HS Swamis 50 55 55 40 55 160 415
SoCal HS Tamarack 45 55 60 60 60 200 480
Storm HS Madi/Julio 55 60 45 40 50 140 390
Summit HS Angelina 55 60 65 55 65 210 510
Summit HS Sam 45 55 55 50 55 180 440
Viper HS Abbi 45 50 45   45 135 320
Viper HS Jaleesa 40 45 45   45 110 285
Viper HS Lyndsie 40 45 50   45 130 310
Age Group: HS Open's
Team Tourney 1
Tourney 2
Tourney 3
Tourney 4
Tourney 5
Tourney 6
951 Elite HS1-Blue 45 50 40 35 40   210
951 Elite HS1-Orange 45 45 40 35 35 95 295
Club Esco Aiyanna 40 40 40 35 30 60 245
Club Esco Sherri 55 60 55 55 55 210 490
Club Pacific Brandon 45 55 45 40 45 125 355
Club Pacific Don 75 70 70 70 65 250 600
Club Pacific Doug 55 55 45 55 55 190 455
Desert Flame Elite       40     40
Desert Flame Gold       30     30
East County Aces 16s 70 70 70 70 70 245 595
ECVBA HS Black 1 80 70 65 65 70 240 590
ECVBA HS Black 2 45 55 40 45 50 145 380
ECVBA HS Black 3 40 40 35 40 35 90 280
Elevate Norco-1 50 55 50 55 40 140 390
Elevate SD-1 55 70 60 60 60 225 530
Elevate SD-2 45 55 40 45 35 120 340
Exodus Eclipse 40 45 45 40 45 110 325
Exodus Mojo 50 55 55 65 55 205 485
FCAV HS Kolby 45 50 45 50 40 115 345
La Jolla HS Claire 45 50 45 50 50 160 400
La Jolla HS Damien 40 45 35 40 40 80 280
Nestor Select 55 55 40 45 45 170 410
Nestor Stripes 45 55 55 55 55 175 440
PBVBC HS Loren 50 60 55 55 50 185 455
PBVBC HS Santos 80 70 65 70 65 235 585
Ramona 16s 45 40 30 40 30 65 250
SD Beach HS Navy 45 55 50 50 45 165 410
SDVBC HS Black 50 65 70 65 60 230 540
SDVBC HS Blue 50 60 50 40 40 150 390
SDVBC HS Red 40 45 45 45 40 105 320
SoCal 15Terramar 40 40 30 30 30 70 240
SoCal 15Trestles 40 50 40 45 45 130 350
SoCal 15Windansea 50 60 55 50 45 155 415
SoCal 16Windansea 50 55 50 45 40 135 375
SoCal 17Windansea 55 65 65 55 55 220 515
Storm Lee 55 65 60 55 45 200 480
Storm Madi 40 50 45 45 40 100 320
Summit HS Jamie 50 60 55 60 45 180 450
Summit HS Sidney 55 65 60 60 55 215 510
Viper HS Jim 50 65 55   50 195 415
Viper HS Kris 40 45 35   35 85 240
Viper HS Trevor 40 40 30   30 75 215